Tuesday, March 31, 2009


this all might drive me crazy. i've been freaking out about going away, being somewhere im not familiar with and nobody im close with being there with me. Shippensburg and East Stroudsburg are great schools but i just don't want to go. I've decided that, if possible, i'm going to try to still apply to temple, and if that doesn't work (which it most likely won't) i'm going to figure it all out so i can just go to montco for a semester, then transfer to temple. I'm hoping with everything i have that this will work out really really soon...

if anyone has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated :)

Friday, February 27, 2009

I don't really

care anymore.

and if you think i'm talking about you,
well you're probably right.

18 soon.. greatt.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

all i can say is thank god mike was there with me but didnt get hurttt
and thank goddddd mom wasn't in gorgia, i would have been 10239578235x's more of a wreck than i already was.

&this is random, but i may not not have many people in my life that truely care about me, but the very few that do, well i wouldn't trade them for the world<3

Friday, February 6, 2009

i've been thinkingg.

Life is life. It's not going to be amazing 100% of the time. We go through tough times to GET through them. I don't really know what i'm getting at, but if things never got bad, we wouldn't have much to look forward to, or strive for. I'm trying really hard to see the positive side to everything. Because, honestly, lately i've been touchy as hell. Ask anyone who has to be around me. Every day there's something new that makes me want to rip apart the next thing i lay my eyes on, even the smallest of issues. It's ridiculous, and if i keep it up, I really think im going to need medication haha. But really, i need to chill, take some time and BREATHEEE, see mikeyy way moree, and spend some good timee with my girls. It's my senior year, and I don't want to regret anything. Things will start looking up.

& Mike, I know we've been fighting what seems like each day, and i know i've been crying over alot of little things lately, but I know we can get through everything and anything.. especially pointless arguments. I love you to deathh babe, and nothing can change that.
And like you said, I'd rather be fighting with you and working things out everyday, than not be with you at all.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


which is great because well, christmas, and bad because my graduation project has to be presented when we get back from break =/


Sunday, November 16, 2008

I have never

been so happy with my life.

Happy 4 months baby, i love you more than anything in the world<3

Thursday, November 6, 2008


It grows to a point.
A point where the fear of losing it all
is almost as strong as the feeling itself.